Kings School Classroom Graphics
Kings School Classroom Graphics
Kings School Classroom Graphics
Kings School Classroom Graphics
Kings School Classroom Graphics

King’s School Classroom Graphics


A longtime client and collaborator, Source PR, asked us to create a series of classroom graphics for their client King’s School Chester. The graphics were to feature a diverse range of inspirational figures from history and cover entire walls in a series of new classrooms at the school.

The Look & Feel

Each graphic should provide visual cues to the achievements of each subject. The client provided mood-board style examples of large graphics, so we had a clear idea of what was expected.

The Solution

Once we’d been supplied with a list of the names we set out to research their various achievements.

The next task was to find visual references for each person, and figure out the best way to combine illustrative and photographic references which would come together is a series of cohesive pieces. We started with one graphic so we could refine a style and way of working.

We found that a combination of watercolour and digital helped unite each giant montage. From our exhibition work, we’re no strangers to producing large format graphics.

The Result

Following completion of the first graphic, the client was delighted and keen for us to proceed with the next three in the set. Shown here (in miniature!) you can see the complex nature of these classroom graphics. Many gigabytes and photoshop layers went into the creation of these images!